Thursday 25 June 2015

The World and Its People

I have been fortunate enough during the course of my lifetime to visit many countries and view many beautiful cities.  But more importantly, the people I have encountered on my journeys have brought me the greatest pleasures of my travels.

In my book, "Drifter Who Encountered UFOs on his Travels", I have tried to capture many of the fascinating individuals whom I have met.

As I am conversant in 10 languages, it was somewhat easier than for most people, to communicate with a variety of individuals in these countries, yet everyone I met, regardless of their native tongue, gave me a unique perspective on their lives, and in a very real way, my own life.

In my blogs I will attempt to bring you a brief anecdote of an encounter and you may read more about these adventures in my book. (available on Kindle at Amazon for a very moderate price).  I should mention, at this point, that I am an artist and with an artist's heart, I am also something of a sentimentalist! My artwork is at "".

In 2011-2012, I found myself living in Valparaiso, Chile.  My strolls to Vinja Del Mar were gems!   Walking along the sea with its rocky formations were unforgettable.  In the mornings, I would exercise at the local Y (my living quarters!) and I came to meet the General Director, a charming fellow named Oscar. Over the next eight months, I met many wonderful people.  Many of whom would love to try out their chess skills on me "The Foreigner"!  Of course, I was always presented as "The International Gentleman".  Although I lost the games most of the time, I would usually end the evening listening to fabulous music by Group Puerta Havana, and sometimes ended up dancing the night away!

This is a brief synopsis of Chapter Four of my book and I invite you to have a look at it in full.

More to Follow!


  1. Hi people: I have had a very exciting life with traveling widely and speaking 10 languages. Having been an emigrant to Canada in 1966, working for Air Canada has pushed me into the direction of exposure to different cultures and people. This compilation of 37 nonfictional stories about my life ranging from 1942 t0 2015 has made me realize, that my stories are not flawless as I refused my stories to be edited by someone turning it into another North American series of short stories. So, what you see is what you get for about 3 bucks on your kindle Amazon . Enjoy the experience of this drifter! with flaws. Regards,Hugo

  2. Hi people: I have had a very exciting life with traveling widely and speaking 10 languages. Having been an emigrant to Canada in 1966, working for Air Canada has pushed me into the direction of exposure to different cultures and people. This compilation of 37 nonfictional stories about my life ranging from 1942 t0 2015 has made me realize, that my stories are not flawless as I refused my stories to be edited by someone turning it into another North American series of short stories. So, what you see is what you get for about 3 bucks on your kindle Amazon . Enjoy the experience of this drifter! with flaws. Regards,Hugo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hI blogger Friends:

    As per request, I have canceled my comments regarding my book Drifteronhistravels etc. In this statement I only told my readers the truth. Why do I have to deviate from that? Will you pay for my Editor? Thank fior reading this message, Hugo Pieters HUGOVANGO.COM for my modern paintngs and Biography.

  5. hI blogger Friends:

    As per request, I have canceled my comments regarding my book Drifteronhistravels etc. In this statement I only told my readers the truth. Why do I have to deviate from that? Will you pay for my Editor? Thank fior reading this message, Hugo Pieters HUGOVANGO.COM for my modern paintngs and Biography.
